
Meetings generally take place in the Reading Room on a monthly basis. Exact details are advertised on the Notice Board outside the reading room. The meetings are open to the public and in 'Democratic Half Hour' there is an opportunity for public discussion of issues. - Please come, everyone is welcome -


Minutes of meeting 04 November 2009

Minutes of meeting 03 June 2009

Minutes of meeting 13 May 2009

Minutes of meeting 8 April 2009

Minutes of meeting 4 March 2009

Minutes of meeting 4 February 2009

Minutes of meeting 7 January 2009


Minutes of meetings 2008

Minutes of meetings 2007

Notes of meetings 2006

Notes of meetings 2005

Notes of meetings 2004

Notes of meetings 2003

Notes of meetings 2002


The following represents the current membership of the Parish Council - May 2008

Elections every four years - May 2011

Name Duties Village Division

A Mackie (chairman)
23 North Hill Close
Burton Bradstock DT6 4RY
Tel 898668

Community Operations, Planning/Development, Finance/General, Village Hall, Bridport LAP Barr Lane, Burton Rd, Charles Rd

E Ripley (Vice Chairman)
88 High Street
Burton Bradstock DT6 4RA
Tel 897010

Community Operations, DAPTC, Southover, Beach Rd, Cliff Rd, Hive Close, Bindbarrow

D Batten
37 Barrowfield Close
Burton Bradstock DT6 4RN
Tel 897944

Planning/Development, Finance/General Barrowfield, Howarth Cl, Rosamund Court.

P Toms
Shipton Lane
Burton Bradstock DT6 4NQ
Tel 897025

Community Operations, Planning/Development
Bennetts Hill, Shipton Ln, Furzey Corner

E Comley
87 High Street
Burton Bradstock DT6 4RA
Tel 897222

Planning/Development Roberts Close, Mill St, High St
H Seadon
19 Barrowfield
Burton Bradstock
DT6 4RH 
Tel 897639
Community Operations: Shadrach, Church St, Darby lane, Donkey lane

S Pett
Millgate House
Annings Lane
Burton Bradstock DT6 4QN
Tel 898333

Planning/Development, Finance/General North Hill Close, Northover Close, Anning's Lane (odds)

D Dixon
4 Mill Terrace
Burton Bradstock DT6 4QY
Tel 898196

Planning/Development Grove Rd, GroveOrchard, South Annings

D Venn
Norburton Hall
Shipton Lane DT6 4NQ
Tel 897094

Community Operations, Finance/General, Website Lower Townsend, Norburton, Anning's Lane (evens)

F Moore (Parish Clerk)
261 St Andrews Road
Bridport DT6 3DU
Tel 459001


C Hughes (Finance Officer)
Banton Shard
DT6 3EB 
Tel 458149  
Email Claire.hughes3@homecall.co.uk


R Coatsworth (DCC Councillor)
2 Beaumont Avenue
Tel 422923


M Parsons (WDCC Councillor)
3 Sparacre Gardens
Tel 456697



The Council normally meets on the first Wednesday of the month, there is no meeting in August. Occasionally the date has to be changed but due notice is given. In April we hold an Annual Parish Meeting where we present our Annual Accounts and reports on major activities during the year.

The general public is most welcome and encouraged to be present at these meetings. Whilst they are not allowed to participate during the formal part of the meeting, their views and comments on issues during the meeting and any other topics are most welcome during the open forum at the end of the meeting

The District and County Councillors endeavour to attend all our Parish Council meetings and generally provide valuable input on matters raised at those levels, of interest or pertinent to the Parish.

The Parish Council discusses a wide range of issues from major items of capital expenditure, planning, emergencies, to the more mundane, such as grass cutting, dog fouling etc. (You may not be aware that last year the Parish Council had a turnover of £70,000) All these matters are relevant to the quality of life in the village and we welcome your interest and input into them

If you have an issue which requires attention in the normal course please contact the Parish Clerk in his office in the Reading Room on a Tuesday morning between 8.30am - 11.00am. Otherwise leave a note in the post box near the Reading Room door. Of course any member of the Council is ready to be approached at any time on matters of immediate concern.

Fel Moore - Clerk